Sunday, May 12, 2013

Say Your Prayers

First, Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there. Our job is always a hard and tiring one, and often feels thankless, but it's the best job out there by far.

The topic of today's post is prayer. My children are at an age where church is boring for them or, in the case
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of Little Boy, they don't even understand what's going on. So we do our best to educate our children in the principles of our faith through our day-to-day lives. We give to charity, we count our blessings, we try to do kind works.

One of things we're trying to be more consistent about is saying prayers at bedtime. I feel it brings a certain calmness and serenity to the bedtime routine and, I hope, reminds my children that we are always being cared for and that we should carry our faith with us at all times and everywhere.

Since my wee ones are a bit young to make up their own prayers, though Little Girl does on occasion, we've chosen a regular "night-night prayer" that we say together every night. Perhaps you know this one, as well.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Bless this bed I lie upon
Four corners to my bed
Four angels 'round my head
One to watch
One to pray
And one to keep all harm away

What is your or your family's favorite bedtime (or other) prayer? How do you work instill your faith in your children?

1 comment:

  1. What a great post and one I totally relate too. We do family prayers in the morning and evening and then encourage the kids to have their own prayers when they get up in the morning and before they go to bed. Right now I am teaching the youngest. Our prayers are simple, we start with Heavenly Father. Then we or I thank thee, then we ask, and close in the name of Christ, Amen. Matty simply repeats right now but he adds things like, thank you buddy or, blanky is dirty make it clean. It is cute.

    We also, as a family, have Family Home Evening once a week. We have set aside time on Mondays and talk and sing some of the children's hymns and then have a lesson about a scripture story, or an aspect of our faith. We even let the three older kids teach a lesson now and then.

    Instilling faith is a process and I think it comes the most from having our children observe how we live our faith. Let them see the joy and comfort it brings to our lives.
