Friday, February 10, 2012

2012 Goal #1: The ever-present "lose weight & get healthier"

So, weeks ago, I promised to start sharing posts about my 2012 goals and how they all tie in to my commitment to "grabbing the ring" this year and going after the things I want. Today is the start of those posts.

Goal number one is the one that I know is also goal number one for so many people out there each year: lose weight and get healthier. God has blessed me with an incredibly healthy body - I have no allergies, no chronic or genetic health concerns or difficulties. I have birthed two beautiful children completely naturally. And I have shown my gratitude for this blessing by allowing my body to become overweight and soft.

Now, I know I shall never have rock-hard abs, look like Jillian Michaels, or even look as I did in college. But now that I am done having children, the last of my excuses for taking my body more seriously has evaporated.

So, my first goal for 2012 is: "Get fit after pregnancy by losing 25 pounds and two pant sizes by 12/31/12." I have about 50 pounds to lose total, but I feel that 25 pounds is a realistic goal for me for one year given that I am a mother of two young children and a wife to a wonderful man, I do work full-time, and I do have other goals and dreams for this year.

I'm still working on my everyday plan for how to achieve this goal. Here's what I have so far:

  • Meal plan every Saturday for the week ahead, including lunches to take to work.
  • Limit eating out for dinner to only twice a month. (This will also help with the goal of saving money and paying down debt.)
  • Find ways to incorporate activity into my day every day
That last one is where I get stumped. I don't have a gym membership and am not willing to pay the fees anyway. I have lots of great workout DVDs but have been struggling to find the motivation and/or the time to get downstairs and just do them. Once Spring arrives, family walks, jogs, and tennis outings will make activity a much easier thing to achieve.

This goal is clearly going to require some more attention and action planning in order to make it one that I can truly achieve.

The good news is that I've already lost three pounds this year. Only 22 more to go!

Do you have any great tips or ideas for fitting in gym-free activity in the winter months? I'd love to hear them!


  1. Hey that is my number one goal too and I just blogged about its progress!

    I wish I had some good ideas but I have a gym membership and an elliptical at home. One thing that I do to find the motivation though is watching Biggest Looser. I find watching their struggles and their journeys help inspire me on my own.

    1. It's the number one goal of so many people, isn't it? :) And your progress in January was excellent!!
