Friday, February 24, 2012

That Time of Year Again

For those of us who celebrate, the season of Lent is upon us. This year was the first in at least 10 years, I think, that we didn't make it to Ash Wednesday service. It felt weird not going. Odd as it may sound, Ash Wednesday is my favorite liturgical observance - I find the self-reflection and humbleness that the season of Lent encourages to be a refreshing time of year. In this warp-speed-paced world, Lent reminds me each year to center myself and re-focus on what's really important both spiritually and in my day-to-day life.

In the spirit of re-centering and re-focusing, I also look to the season of Lent as a time to focus my attentions on improving myself in some small way. In years past, I've worked on improving my health by giving up fast food or chocolate.

This year, I've given up something that may seem bizarre. I've given up yelling.

Don't take that the wrong way - I'm not an angry, temper-tossing fusspot. My Lenten sacrifice could just as easily be turned on its head and phrased as "I've determined to balance my emotions and stress levels in a more positive way."

You see, I have a new baby at home, I've just returned to work, I have a five-year-old, and a very busy husband. Even though Little Man sleeps very well at night (knock on wood), the transition back to work has made me a very tired momma. Little Girl is like the old nursery rhyme - most of the time she's great, an absolute joy, but when she's bad she's awful.

And one of the things I've noticed through all these recent transitions and added stressors in my life is that I yell more than I used to. And I don't like how that makes me feel or those I love. So my Lenten promise is to fix it.

So, yes, it may be a bit weird. And I'm sure I'll slip up here and there. But the beauty of making this my Lenten promise is that, for the next 40 days, it's going to be forefront in my mind. And when I feel the stress closing in or my frustration levels rising, I'll have that mental tap on the brain to remind myself to focus and center and handle myself in a more positive and constructive way. And that will be better for me and for my family.

What is your Lenten promise?


  1. I need something like that. I keep telling myself I am going to stop telling James to hurry up all the time. Or to let not get so angry all the time at the girls. Oh the decisions.

    1. It's really challenging sometimes. Especially because these kids seem to know exactly what behavior pushes our buttons. I think it's often harder when your children are as clever and bright as ours are - I'm constantly having to remind myself that she's only 5 and she's going to act like a 5-year-old, even if she's already reading on a third-grade level.

      It's amazing, though. I've already noticed an improvement in my stress levels.
